Every year I have lived here, I've gone to the Martin Luther
King celebration in Northampton. I was supposed to go to my 13th one today, but
as you know, I've been sick with a broken leg and other health issues.
Yesterday, my bladder and bowels started misbehaving. I hoped to be better enough to go anyway, but when I
woke up I was still sick,: so rather than go and further endanger my own health
or risk ruining the celebration by having an unfortunate medical emergency. I
spent the day at home.
This doesn't mean I forgot Dr. King or his message of service. Indeed, I spent my
convalescence playing free rice, a learning game where you can buy people who
are starving grains of rice through the World Food Programme for every question
you get right. I earned over 2,000 grains today alone! I also learned some new words which I think Dr. King would've
approved of and plan to use them in future poems. Additionally, I am recording
a few Dr. King related programs, which will hopefully spawn yet more poetry. I
may even make more found poems, if this activist has enough nerve to reformat
the great man's words.
So, it wasn't the MLK Day I planned to have, but it was the
one I had. I don't think Dr. King would have minded. All things considered, life
handed me a few lemons and I managed to make a pretty good glass of lemonade.